Maintenance Coordination
Made Easy
Leverage AI-driven innovation to seamlessly match tenant concerns with optimal solutions.
Get Started
Take a step back from the constant juggle between tenants, vendors, and landlords. Our solution brings efficiency to your role by facilitating direct text-based communication between tenant and vendor. With comprehensive oversight, you're liberated from mundane tasks, freeing you to focus on growing your portfolio or simply enjoying your well-deserved downtime.
No Logins,
No Hassle
We use the familiarity of texting to ensure seamless communication, effortlessly connecting tenants and vendors. Your tenants can now skip the hassle of new accounts and passwords. With our accessible help line, tenants can text anytime, and our AI will collect information, allowing you to connect them with the vendor that best fits their needs.
How it Works
1) Direct Tenant Hotline
Grant your tenants access to a unique, AI-powered hotline, facilitating fast and hassle-free reporting of their maintenance issues. This direct line of communication simplifies the process, enabling efficient issue reporting.
2) Manual Vendor Assignment
While our system collects and arranges the maintenance request details, you maintain complete control. Choose the vendor that best suits each request, ensuring a personalized touch for every tenant.
3) Streamlined Vendor Communication
Upon vendor selection, an immediate and clear SMS communication channel is created between the tenant and the vendor. This ensures timely updates, easy photo sharing, and efficient scheduling without any app downloads or logins.
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Starting at $12/month
Using AI to craft simple solutions to
complex problems.
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